6 Guidelines For Creating Great Digital Signage Content
Best Practices6 Guidelines For Creating Great Digital Signage Content
Need ideas for your digital signage content? Here are six easy ways to get the most out of your digital signage content.
Having the best digital signage won’t do you much good if you don’t have the digital signage content needed to maximize your investment and provide you with the results you’re hoping for.
Think of it like buying a sleek and lightning bolt-fast sports car but not having any idea of how to drive stick; you won’t be going anywhere anytime soon, right? While we can’t help you learn how to drive stick, we can offer six ways to create fantastic content for your digital signage.
1. Simplicity Always Works In Everyone’s Favor
While you may be tempted to opt for eye-popping graphics and a collage of colors to catch the eyes of your target audience, everyone is better off if you choose digital signage content ideas that are basic and clean. This means utilizing a simple color scheme that’s well contrasted with either light text on a dark background or dark text on a light background.
You’re also better off with sans-serif fonts that are easy to read and have a classic look that’s sure to appeal to a wide audience. Once you’ve settled on your color scheme and font, take a look at your display and message to see that it can be easily read from near and far.
2. Have Someone Proofread and Edit Your Content
After looking through digital signage content examples and crafting content personalized to your specific industry and audience, be sure your material is looked over by a professional who’s knowledgeable of the rules of grammar. Nothing ruins great content faster than a misspelled word or a sentence that’s poorly assembled.
A proofreader will tell you if your word choice is optimized, if your words and sentences flow well and if you’ve committed any grammatical sins. Even though your target audience might not be grammar Nazis, showing this level of care can do wonders for your company’s public image. Plus, a quick check can save you from more than a little ridicule.
We live in a world where the quality of video game and movie graphics has become almost otherworldly, which means you need to step up your graphics game when it comes to your digital signage content. Once you’ve got your message down, choose some accents to draw the eye and make things a little interesting.
Specifically, you can pair your message with a video, which is an especially good idea if you offer a product or service that requires a few visual aids for consumers to fully understand it. As you’re deciding on which colors to utilize in your signage, think about the hues used in your company logo or any color combinations your company has become known for.
4. Rotate Your Content
Just like you’re more likely to tune into your favorite TV show when there’s a new episode showing, your audience is more likely to pay attention and keep paying attention to your digital signage when you make an effort to create and share fresh content on a regular basis rather than show the same display over and over until it eventually fades into obscurity.
To help with this, you can rotate your content according to the time of day. You don’t have to change up your material every day, but you should do so at least twice a week. Additionally, periodically check to see whether the information and material you display is accurate and up-to-date.
5. Add Calls to Action
Guide your audience in the right direction by adding a call to action at the bottom of your content. This lets them know what steps they should take next and how you can best help them.
With so many ways to reach out and contact companies these days, you make things easy for both yourself and your customers by letting them know the specific way to reach you about a specific message or ad. Also, make sure the call to action starts with an action verb to really drive home the sense of urgency that makes your audience want to act as soon as possible.
6. Think About the Social Media Aspect
Because social media has become such a huge part of nearly everyone’s daily life, you might as well implement it into your signage content. For material that’s too long for a digital signage screen, you can include a call to action to your company’s Facebook profile where interested individuals can learn more.
YouTube should be used for visual content such as tutorials, news updates, information on new products and services and giving a glimpse into the inner workings of your company. Get creative, and don’t be afraid to ask your employees and customers for ideas on how you can maximize your use of social media.
It’s still undoubtedly true that content is king, just make sure you know where to place the crown and how to find your way to the throne room. Use these six tips to keep from accidentally usurping yourself and becoming a digital signage pauper.
Nixplay Signage offers unique B2B solutions. Get in touch today for a free demo, for details of our offerings or for any questions or inquiries. Try Nixplay Signage now to start seeing the difference.
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