How Digital Signage Enhances Office Communications
Best PracticesA goal for any company, no matter what industry, is to improve employee retention. That involves getting employees engaged with the work so they play an active role in the company’s success.
From communicating company changes to enhance transparency or just providing workers with some fun quotes throughout the day, there are numerous benefits of digital signage in corporate communications. Invest in workplace digital signage to make employees more satisfied with everyday tasks. When your employees benefit, you benefit, too.
Here are some effective methods for improving communications within your company building.
Convey Important Memos
Miscommunication is a big problem when employees are not receiving updates or not knowing when changes are being implemented. Emails can get lost, but with digital signage for internal communication, you can run important memos on displays in the office over the course of several days.
Not only does this ensure everyone sees it, but it also adds more weight to the content being shared. Employees know this is important, and it ensures changes become implemented more quickly.
Displays are also great for improving transparency. A company can post financials, such as last quarter’s earnings or daily share performance. Whether the news is good or bad, employees will feel like management actually trusts them with important information.
Recognize Productive Employees
A great way to improve employee retention is to make people feel valued when they do a good job. This can absolutely be done in private. A manager taking an employee aside to talk about how well he or she is doing is a fantastic way to boost employees’ self-esteem and productivity.
However, official recognition is also beneficial. Digital employee communications can be used to post who has earned the title of “Employee of the Month” or other accolades your organization uses.
In the event someone gets a promotion, then digital displays are great for communicating it to everyone. The employee who received the promotion gets public adoration while everyone else is now aware of something internal that happened within the organization.
Make Things Easier for Visitors or New Hires
Office digital signage is great for people who visit the office but do not work there. Part of the signage should involve a map of the office or campus so that people can effortlessly locate where they need to go.
This is also highly beneficial for new hires because they can use the maps to find where they need to walk to without feeling the need to ask simple questions to other employees. This is advantageous to manage employee training, and the displays can also play instructional videos for new hires.
Easily Update Employees of Company Events
Part of retaining employees should involve offering incentives. This can include team-building activities, such as having a group lunch day or promoting a company sports team. Instead of passing out physical memos informing people of try-outs or invitations, employers can simply use the displays, alongside other digital channels, to get the word out. This is a lot more efficient and ensures people remember the events.
There is always the risk an employee will read something once but not remember the event dates. However, people are more likely to remember, attend and enjoy themselves when companies prominently display internal events throughout the office.
Strengthen Corporate Culture
An office should be more than a place where employees go, work for at least eight hours and then clock out at the end of the day. It should be a place they enjoy, and that can involve adding personalized touches.
For example, digital displays can be used to post inspirational quotes or videos every Monday. A company can also encourage employees to send in pictures of what they did during the weekend so that those can be displayed.
It makes people feel like they actually have a presence in the organization. This increases the likelihood employees develop a company culture and will stick around longer.
With so many benefits of digital signage in corporate communications, it makes sense for managers to start implementing them as fast as they possibly can. Your employees are the most valuable investments you can make, and displays around the office keep everyone on the same page.
Nixplay Signage offers unique B2B solutions. Get in touch today for a free demo, for details of our offerings or for any questions or inquiries. Try Nixplay Signage now to start seeing the difference.
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